All information must be submitted electronically BEFORE the event, not at registration.

All registrants (including beginners and visitors) need to have the following emailed to Patrick McCalman.

If you are joining us as a Beginner or Visitor, you need to submit the following items electronically PRIOR TO the event:

  • Photo of yourself
  • Proof of Alabama Beekeepers Association membership 

If you are entering in to the Apprentice level, you need to submit the following items electronically PRIOR TO the event :

  • Photograph of yourself
  • Proof of Alabama Beekeepers Association membership 
  • Copy of hive registration certification with the your state’s Department of Agriculture 
  • Proof of ownership of hives for at least TWO years
  • Bring with you:
    • Veil
    • Smoker
    • Smoker fuel
    • Check, cashier’s check, or money order for the correct amount of your class

If you are entering in to the Journeyman level, you need to submit the following items electronically PRIOR TO the event:

  • Photograph of yourself
  • Proof of Alabama Beekeepers Association membership 
  • Proof of attending a minimum of 12 hours of Honey Bee related programs  (see continuing education form)
  • 5 public service credits, submit public service form from for each one
  • Bring with you:
    • Check, cashier’s check, or money order for the correct amount of your class

If you are entering in to the Master level, you need to submit the following items electronically PRIOR TO the event: :

  • Photograph of yourself
  • Proof of Alabama Beekeepers Association membership 
  • 10 public service credits, use public service form for each one
  • 6 major competencies, use list on under RESOURCES tab at
  • Bring with you:
    • Check, cashier’s check, or money order for the correct amount of your class