The Alabama Beekeepers Association Annual Fall Conference will be September 15th and 16th at the Clanton Conference and Performing Arts Center, Clanton Alabama.

Tickets are $80.00 to attend both days and includes meals.
Friday only ticket is $50.00 and it include lunch and a nice dinner that night.
Saturday only ticket is $40.00 and it include lunch.

Early Registration ends August 31st. You can still buy tickes at the door on day of the event but will not include meals.

So follow the link below to preregister before August 31st.

Vendors you can buy supplies from at the conference.

B Z Bee Honey 205-660-3040
Bee Creek Farms 205-482-6943 Pre-Orders
Blue Ridge Honey Company 706-782-6722 Pre-Orders
Busy Bee Designs 850-272-1953
Butler Bees 205-695-3779
Dadant&Sons 386-454-0237 Pre-Orders
Foxhound Bee Company 205-607-2051 Pre-Orders
Lookout Mountain Honeybees 256-523-4767 Pre-Orders
Mann Lake 800-880-7694 Pre-Orders
Millerbees Mfg 731-695-6960 Pre-Orders
Oxavap 803-225-5198
Pacsirta Farms 256-504-7808
Pigeon Mountain 706-638-1491 Pre-Orders
Rossman Apiaries 229-985-7200 Pre-Orders
T & A Bees 256-331-2337 Pre-Orders
Tri-Bee 904-312-4727
West Alabama Bee Company 205-886-7517 Pre-Orders

Will post speakers when the information is available.