Documentation of Public Service Credits

Alabama Master Beekeeper Program

On this date: ________________,  _______________________________, a candidate for the Alabama Beekeepers Association Master Beekeeper Program, provided or completed an act of public service, which covered the following subject matter related to beekeeping, honey bee pollination or honey production:  (Please circle applicable areas)

  1. Presenting bee-related lecture or workshop to non-beekeeping group
  2. Officers position in local beekeeping association
  3. Appointment by local County Extension office or other municipal agency as expert contact on bee-related questions or issues.
  4. Assisting members of youth organizations with bee related project work
  5. Mentoring a new beekeeper through at least one complete year.
  6. Public demonstration on beekeeping topic at fair, festival or similar public event
  7. Providing a hive of bees to pollinate a public garden.
  8. Establishing and maintaining observation hive for school or civic group.
  9. Other:  _____________________________________________________________

Organization name:  ______________________________________________________________________________

Name of Event:  ________________________________________ Date:  ______________

General Description of Event:  _______________________________________________




Estimated number of participants/attendees:  _______________________________

Printed Name/Title of Representative: _______________________________________

Contact Information (phone and/or email): __________________________________

Signature of candidate: _____________________________