The re-certification is required to maintain a current certificate as a Master Beekeeper. In order to maintain currency at these levels of completion the following is required:

___ Alabama Master Beekeeper will be responsible for completing the re-certification process with in the three (3) year period following the certification.

___ Alabama Master Beekeeper must present to the Committee of Commissioners of Records, via the form provided;

  2 completed on Professional Development composed of two or more hours

  2 completed on Community Service

  2 competed on Professional Activities

___ Alabama Master Beekeeper is required to attend the ABA annual meeting.

Professional Development

  1. Attend at least 3 regional, state, or national level beekeeping conferences or conventions.
  2. Participate in a beekeeping related research or extension project conducted by an approved institution.
  3. Complete coursework at a recognized or approved educational provider.
  4. Acquire other bee related training as approved by the Board of Directors (working with a commercial beekeeper, receiving in their instruction from a recognized expert beekeeper, etc.).
  5. Completing an extension sponsored master gardener program.
  6. Acquire a personal pesticide applicator license.
  7. Complete a short course in small-scale Queen rearing offered by an approved instructor.
  8. Complete training in instrumental insemination from an approved instructional source. This could include online instruction, course work in an academic setting, instruction from a recognized expert in the field, or other board approved avenues.
  9. Achieve certification as either a Welsh Honey Judge or as an American Honey Judge.
  10. Complete any approved course or training on a bee related topic (such as diseases, pests, genetic development and patterns, environmental threats, etc.).
  11. Other: with prior approval of the Alabama Master Beekeepers Board of Directors.

Professional Activities

  1. Preparing and presenting at least 3 classes (at any approved level) at the Alabama Master Beekeepers training course. This can be in combination of course taught over a three-year period or a set of courses designed for different levels (Apprentice, Journeyman, or Master) at a single conference.
  2. Prepare and/or present a workshop at a regional, state, national or international beekeepers conference or convention. This could include being a member of a panel discussion group at a conference or convention.
  3. Serve 2 or more years as an officer in a local, regional, state, or national beekeeping organization. This can be in combination of 2 or more authorizations.
  4. Serve as either a judge or as a steward at a regional, state, or national event such as a county fair, state fair or certified honey competition.
  5. Attend at least 3 regional, state, or national level beekeeping conferences or conventions.
  6. Publishing an article on the subject of beekeeping in a beekeeping periodical.
  7. Visit and observe apiaries in regions other than our own and make a record – to be shared in an approved venue – of your experiences and acquired knowledge of methods and practices used by beekeepers in other regions.
  8. Create and host a beekeeping forum on the Internet or serve as a sub forum moderator on an established form site for at least one year.
  9. Serve as a mentor for one or more beekeepers in rolled in the Apprentice or Journeyman level of the Alabama Master Beekeepers course.
  10. Other: with prior approval of the Alabama Master Beekeepers Board of Directors.

Community Service

  1. Preparing and presenting a program on 1st responder practices related to honeybee sting incidents. This could be geared toward professional 1st responder groups such as fire and rescue services, medical practitioners, or public service groups (schools, senior centers, etc.).
  2. Prepare and/or present a workshop at a regional, state, national or international non-beekeepers conference or convention. This could include being a member of a panel discussion group at a conference or convention.
  3. Guide and assist in the establishment of honeybee hives in a public, community, or school garden. This should include all aspects of setting up an apiary as well as providing the mentoring necessary for a successful establishment.
  4. Serve in a faculty capacity at a regional, state, or national level beekeeper’s event ( this includes working in food services, technical services, information desks, etc.)..
  5. Being recognized as a beekeeping expert and appearing on television, radio, or in a newspaper as such.
  6. Publish an article on the subject of beekeeping in a beekeeping periodical.
  7. Publish an article on beekeeping in a non-beekeeping periodical. (Please note that you may not publish the same article in both periodical types for your dual credit.)
  8. Preparing and presenting a program on beekeeping, bee biology, or general interest topics related to beekeeping for public or community groups such as schools, gardening groups, or senior centers.
  9. Other: with prior approval of the Alabama Master Beekeepers Board of Directors.
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