1. Certification in life-saving training for persons suffering from allergic reactions to stinging insects.
  2. Participation as an instructor or speaker at a program or workshop at a state, regional, national or international beekeeping meeting or convention.
  3. Attend at least three (3) regional, national or international beekeeping meetings or conventions.
  4. Win First or Second place in an authorized competition in:
    • Extracted honey
    • Comb or cut comb honey
    • Spun or creamed honey
    • Beeswax
  5. Recognition as a beekeeping authority in your local area in the newspaper or appearing on radio or television.
  6. Publish an article in a beekeeping publication.
  7. Publish an article in a non-beekeeping publication.
  8. Demonstrate competence in small-scale queen rearing.
  9. Completion of a course on instrumental queen insemination.
  10. Participation in beekeeping research or an Extension project at an approved institution.
  11. Acquire other certified bee-related training as approved by the Commissioners.
  12. Provide a hive of bees to pollinate a public garden.
  13. Become a certified Master Gardner.
  14. Serve two or more years as an officer of a state or national honey bee organization.
  15. Organize and start a new Beekeeping club or group.
  16. Acquire a personal pesticide applicator’s license.